CERT Battalion 12 & American Heroes Air Show --Saturday 9-4

Posted on 11/09/2022

Hello Everyone,
Hope all is well!
Wanted to share some CERT information and upcoming outreach events.
We had a recent CERT Class of 35 graduate on October 13th!  Congratulations and Welcome to Battalion 12!
A big Thank you to the wonderful LAFD Fire Instructors and Heart of the Canyon Church who let us use the facility.
Other classes available at:
This Saturday November 12, 2022 from 9-4pm is the American Heroes Air Show at Hansen Dam (flyer attached).
Battalion 12 will have a booth there .  
If interested in volunteering for anytime between 8am (set-up) and 4:30pm let me know. Would love to have CERT members spread the word and pass out CERT information.
Also, looking for anyone who would be interested in becoming an First Aid, CPR, AED INSTRUCTOR.
This is an opportunity to be trained and certified to teach classes.  Email me back if you have a strong desire to become an Instructor.
This would be a wonderful way to certify and conduct trainings for Battalion 12 and others.
The Holidays are upon us and times get busy, but I am trying to lock down a date for a Batt12 training/meeting by the end of the year.  I will email you all once I see what date works. 
For the 2023 year the plan is to have trainings/meetings every 2-3 months.   
Looking forward to seeing you all.
Sandy Capps
Battalion 12 Coordinator


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